Q: What is jiu-jitsu, and why should I learn it?

A: Jiu-jitsu – specifically, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, sometimes called “BJJ” for short – is a modern martial art, combat sport, and self-defense system. Based primarily around the use of takedowns, submission holds, and positional dominance, the modern form of the martial art took root in Brazil, where it was adapted and modified from older forms of Japanese jujutsu. Brazilian jiu-jitsu eventually traveled to the United States, whe re it found an eager home in the UFC.

Today, jiu-jitsu – alongside wrestling, boxing, and Muay Thai – is one of the primary pillars of MMA. However, it’s hardly the sole province of professional fighters. These days, jiu-jitsu is also popular among children, women, and the elderly, due to its efficacy as a self-defense system for smaller people.

In addition, Brazilian jiu-jitsu is a rapidly growing combat sport in its own right, and provides ample competition opportunities for aspiring athletes from all walks of life, thanks to its accessibility and comparative safety.

Q: That’s pretty cool, but I’ve seen a lot of jiu-jitsu gyms. What sets you guys apart?

A: Great question! The popularity of jiu-jitsu has grown exponentially in the past few years, and herein the DMV area, we’re lucky to be surrounded by no shortage of amazing grappling programs. However, one of the most important things to keep in mind when picking your first jiu-jitsu academy is finding the right fit. Much like choosing a school, job, or place to live, you’ll want to enroll at a jiu-jitsu gym with a culture that matches your personality.

While there’s no one size fits all formula for any single jiu-jitsu academy, we like to think of ourselves as a true community gym – and accordingly, strive to make our program as accessible as possible to newcomers from all backgrounds. We aim to meet you where you’re at, and strike a balance between keeping you safe and supported, while gently challenging you to push the boundaries of your comfort zone. In addition, our partnership with DC’s historic Edlvaitch Jewish Community Center ensures access to a rich array of facilities and complementary fitness and recreational programs – right at your fingertips.

We also welcome cross-training from visiting students, and are proud to maintain a friendly and collaborative relationship with several other top-flight combat sport gyms in the region.

Q: I’m still worried about trying a class – I think I’m too old / out of shape / injured.

A: That’s a totally valid way to feel, and we’d love to help you work through your anxieties in a safe and supportive environment. The beauty of jiu-jitsu lies in the creativity of its practitioners – after all, no two jiu-jitsu players are exactly alike! – and almost all of our fundamental techniques can be modified for different body types. Elderly people, young children, and individuals with disabilities have all found ways to develop a healthy and sustainable jiu-jitsu practice.

Additionally, our owner and head instructor, Kelly Quinn, is a certified personal trainer with over a decade of experience working with bodies of all shapes, sizes, ages, and physical ability levels. We truly stand by our belief that jiu-jitsu is for everyone, and are more than happy to work with you to accommodate the needs of your body without judgment.

Q: Okay, I’m sold! Where do I start?

A: If you’re completely new to the sport, we invite you to sign up for our Introduction to Jiu-Jitsu course. If you have a little more experience, please get in touch with our head instructor, Kelly Quinn, who will assess your ability level and determine an appropriate class for you to enroll in.